Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “kvm”
31. August 2016
Migration of OpenVZ Container to KVM Guest
This is a short tutorial how to migrate an OpenVZ container to a KVM Guest. Some ideas have been taken from other tutorials (1 and 2), the other half has been extracted from grml-debootstrap which can generate a KVM guest by using debootstrap.
# form where to where migrate # don't forget the trailing / on the source! export SOURCE=/srv/vz/private/xxxxxxx/ # an empty LVM volume! export DEST=/dev/mapper/vg0-myfirstvm # create some magic for grub/partion table echo 4 66 | /usr/share/grml-debootstrap/bootgrub.
19. August 2016
Moving to KVM
Since our beloved OpenVZ virutalisation technology is not moving in a direction we are comfortable with, we are currently evaluation several virtualisation technologies. One the the possible options is KVM. This is not a full tutorial about KVM, there are many good tutorials already, e.g. (( or (( or (( or (( or ((, this is just a collection of some notes which I collected during the evaluation.
General Documentation RedHat has some good KVM virtualisation documentation available at: https://access.