15. September 2013
Konzertbericht – Circle of Illusion – Jeremia
Nachdem ich es mir jetzt schon so oft vorgenommen haben, einen Bericht über ein besuchtes Konzert zu schreiben, hier nun mein erster Konzertbericht. Mittlerweile ist das Konzert ja auch schon wieder über eine Woche her…
Eigentlich bin ich nur durch Zufall beim Durchblättern des Planet.tt Magazins auf die Band aufmerksam geworden. Die Beschreibung klang nach einem sehr vielversprechenden Konzert. Das Konzert war zugleich auch eine Art offizielle CD-Präsentations-Event. Dementsprechend war das Publikum bunt gemischt und dem Applaus für die einzelnen Bandmitglieder zu urteilen, waren wohl viele Verwandte/Freunde/Bekannte der Bandmitglieder anwesend.
9. August 2013
Learning something new every day…
One of the things I really like about working within a team in one location is the fact that are able to learn something new regularly. And of course you are also able to give some useful advice to others 🙂
Something I learned this week is how to turn on the UID light on a HP server without logging into the iLO webinterface. You can use the tool hpasmcli – which probably can do some more useful stuff too 🙂
25. July 2013
“I solved it” – Java with MacOSX
Many of you have probably noticed during the last months. Java is somewhat broken with MacOSX since Oracle started shipping Java7 for MacOSX. Some of the things I recommend about using Java on MacOSX:
– Install the SDK even if you do not necessary need it as it might fix some problems
– If you upgrade Java7 and you need Java6 for some applications (e.g. in my case it was Cisco ASDM configuration for Cisco ASA), you might need to reinstall Java6 (latest version as of July 2013 is here: https://support.
8. June 2013
MacOSX: List all available disks and partitions
In MacOSX if you want to get a list of all disks and partitions including their device names, you can use the diskutil program.
diskutil list
10. March 2012
Hello world! New Homepage!
Today I have started a new homepage. I’ll try to update it somewhat regular with private stuff as well as some thing I am stumbling upon during my work as a sysadmin.